A far cry from cordless vacuums, the high-tech company has produced its first crop of berries in 15-acre glasshouse in Lincolnshire
Sir James Dyson: inventor, entrepreneur, vacuum god (his hair dryers aren’t half bad either) – and futuristic farmer. Dyson and his team have spent the last eight years working in the farming industry, marrying traditional methods with new-age technology, and today launch something far more humble than a bladeless fan or robot suction system – British strawberries, some of the earliest in the season, on sale at selected M&S stores.
Dyson Farming strawberries are a product of Dyson’s latest project to revolutionise the farming system. Grown in a colossal 15-acre glasshouse in Carrington, Lincolnshire, the 700,000 strawberry plants have been hand-picked to produce 750 tonnes of British strawberries, avoiding the unnecessary air miles accumulated by imported strawberries at this time of year and extending the traditional British season.
According to British soft fruit co-operative Berry Gardens, at this time of year approximately 94 per cent of all strawberries sold in the UK are imported, racking up thousands of air miles before making it to our shelves.
The Dyson glasshouse was initially created as a way to use surplus heat coming from the farm’s anaerobic digesters, which use waste crops from the land to generate enough energy for the equivalent of 10,000 homes. Digestate, another byproduct of the digesters, is used as organic fertiliser, while rainwater is harvested from the glasshouse roof and used to irrigate the plants. All of this is managed by a climate control computer system, adjusting the temperature of the glasshouse to maintain optimum growing conditions. Dyson has created an entirely carbon-neutral, circular farming system – the agricultural equivalent to ‘nose-to-tail’ eating.
“In Britain we should be growing our own food; we shouldn’t be importing it,” Dyson argues. “We want to be efficient at farming, we want to be the right sort of farming, and we want people to want to buy our produce. There is a real opportunity for agriculture to drive a revolution in technology and visa versa. Dyson Farming is developing new approaches to efficient, high-technology agriculture, which we hope will lead to a commercially sustainable future.”
Elsewhere on the farm, drones are used to map fields and spot bare patches, vision systems detect ground-nesting birds for harvesters to avoid, and data analytics bring the traditional farming techniques of crop rotation and cover crops into a new age of efficiency.
The project forms part of a portfolio built up by the Dyson family for the best part of a decade. Throughout Lincolnshire, Oxfordshire and Gloucestershire, Dyson has been buying derelict and unused farming properties, and converting them into ultra-eco residential, commercial and agricultural spaces, with conservation and sustainability at their heart.
It’s staggering to learn what he has achieved under our noses; the company currently manages 637 acres of woodland, 1,475 acres of ‘environmental focus’ land and 390,000 metres of hedgerows. It has installed 100 owl boxes across its estates, rebuilt 10 miles of stone wall and created 147 new homes, all of which are powered by its own renewable energy.
What’s more, it’s likely you’ve already tucked into a buttery Dyson potato or bowl of peas in the past. The farm, which employs 176 people and supports 480 local suppliers, has already produced 21,500 tonnes of wheat, 15,500 tonnes of potatoes and 26,000 tonnes of sugar beet; plus the equivalent of 4 million bags of frozen peas (making it one of the UK’s largest producers), and 90 million pints of beer. All of these have been supplied to branches of Waitrose throughout the country, though the strawberries will be the first product with the Dyson Farming brand.
In the future Dyson hopes to take his high-tech strawberry house a step further, with plans including advanced LED lighting to increase efficiency, and – really stepping into sci-fi territory – advanced robotic fruit pickers. “I’m excited about the future of agriculture, despite the undoubtedly significant challenges it faces,” he says. “Material science, energy creation and energy storage are at the core of this and farming has so much to give – growing materials and creating energy which can be used in a wider range of products.”
The proof of the pudding, though, is in the eating, and tasting one of the first punnets of Dyson strawberries proves that, compared to the usual haul imported from Spain or Morocco that can lack flavour, these are the real deal. Plump, well-coloured and beautifully sweet – one could almost believe it was mid-summer.